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5 things to learn about internships from the films

Learn from the films; we've compiled a list of 5 useful internship tips and lessons that you can observe from the movies.


Your brain is always learning so even when you sit down and stick on your favourite film, you will be taking in information and processing it in ways that you aren’t even aware of.

So what better way than to sit back and learn about internships as you watch some clips from films where the intern/recent graduate is discovering the dos and don’ts of the world of work. Here are our 5 useful tips to help you get ready for your work experience placement.



The Internship (2013), featuring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, is about a couple of best friends who embark on a new journey after their jobs in sales comes to an abrupt end. The two land themselves an internship at Google even though they lack the technological knowledge and skills. The two misfits are at first regarded as a burden to their team of young technologically-equipped interns who want to succeed in order to secure jobs at the end of their internship.

But after this scene there’s a switch in dynamics. The team start working more like a strong unit and they begin to succeed; proving that everyone has a role to play and that teamwork can go a long way.


It’s never too late

The Intern (2015), featuring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway, is about a retired 70 year old widower who wants to fill up his time, so he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site. Even though he lacks the technological knowledge and skills, he brings charm, wisdom and a sense of humour to the internship which helps him settle in and become part of the team.

This feel good film proves that it’s not too late; you can be any age to start an intern – after all you are always learning and in turn you are always teaching others whilst you learn.


Hard work and dedication

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006), featuring Will Smith and Jaden Smith, is about a struggling single father who lands himself an internship at a prestigious brokerage firm, but whilst he’s investing his time in setting up a brighter future for himself and his son, he has to endure no pay which leaves them living in a shelter. Throughout his hardships he doesn’t let despair set in and focuses on the future.

This film proves that with the right level of dedication and motivation, you can succeed at anything you set your mind to.


Be careful what you say

The Devil Wears Prada (2006), featuring Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep, is about a recent college graduate who has big dreams, she lands a job at a prestigious runway magazine, regardless of not knowing all too much about fashion. She assumes that she is better than the people who work in the fashion industry, because she feels that she is more intelligent than them. She meets her match when her editor-in-chief is a tough and driven woman, which leads to her questioning whether or not she can do this job.

She sticks at the job and tries her best throughout, whilst observing some learning curves along the way, such as be careful what you say to your boss and put in the hard work.


How not to act in an interview

Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009), featuring Isla Fisher, is about a woman who loves to shop, but due to her shopping addiction, she is in a lot of debt. Ideally she wants to work at New York City’s top fashion magazine; however she doesn’t have her foot in the door, to pay her debt she takes a job at a financial magazine that is owned by the same company, in hope that she can work her way up.

This clip from the film can teach you how not to act in an interview, because she ruins her chances, but it also can teach you that a follow-up can go a long way, considering she was able to win her interviewer over by submitting a piece that was initially meant for the fashion magazine and landed the job (that she didn't want).